Red Solar Skywalker, Kin 113, Day Limi 20
Planetary Moon of Manifestation, Blue Crystal Hand Year

Red Solar Skywalker
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White Crystal Mirror

White Crystal Mirror

(White Crystal Mirror)
Kin 38 white crystal mirror
Posted on Blue Overtone Night, Kin 83, Overtone Moon, Day 25
(White Crystal Mirror)
Sat nam, My galactic signature is kin:38 white crystal mirror; born on july 25, 1992 on the day out of time ♡ The discovery of the 13:20 matrix is something im very grateful for and deeply identify with. I hope to further incorporate the harmonic module into my life through sovereign understanding.
Posted on Red Planetary Earth, Kin 257, Self-existing Moon, Day 10

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(the code is a number. how many moons are in this calendar?)