Red Overtone Moon, Kin 109, Day Seli 16
Planetary Moon of Manifestation, Blue Crystal Hand Year

Red Overtone Moon
If freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom.

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Galactic tone of Integrity

piet (Blue Electric Eagle)
tmq is a galactic mirror
she runs the most interesting blog on JA (all the way, as opposed to the basics like koestner et al).
hairliine fracture & faultfine diviners unite!!
hairliine fracture & faultfine diviners split (on four, 1 .... 2 ... 3 .. 4)!!!
and may a line of trees grow from sharp crack to smooth mud pool!
Posted on Yellow Self-existing Seed, Kin 4, Crystal Moon, Day 3
(White Galactic Mirror)
Would like to understand the influence of tone in life.....
Posted on Blue Resonant Monkey, Kin 111, Magnetic Moon, Day 3

Please add your comment to Galactic tone of Integrity if you are one...

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(the code is a number. how many moons are in this calendar?)